Hazrat Kwaja Syed Fakhruddin Gurdezi was a Hussaini Syed. At a age 93 he expired on 26th of Rajab 637-hijri & was buried in the Astana-Sharif of the holy saint.
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The present Khadeems are the progeny of Hazrat Khwaja Syed Fakhruddin Gurdezi. Who live as one Whole community; Their ancestor Hazrat Khwaja Syed Fakhruddin Gurdezi (R.A), accompanied Khwaja Garib Nawaz (R.A) to Ajmer. They served & ministered to him. The strength & magnetism of the saint was so great that he attracted a large number of devotees, who remaind dedicated & loyal & rendered religious services to him. The Khadeems flourished in Ajmer Sharif, built their own houses near his Roza Mubarak (Dargah); in order to maintain their traditional devotion to & link with the great Sufi Saint. The Khadems for centuries provided necessary comforts to the pilgrims, and escotted them for religious ceremonies salutations to the Shrine & received gifths for the Services. This Nazar was retained by the Khadem as his personal property, for the maintenances of his family and hiwselve.
The Head of the Khadeem community had been the disciple of Hazrat Khwaja Syed Osman Harooni Chishty;
The Peer-0-Murshid of Hazrat Khwaja Garib Nawaz. It’s a matter of pride & esteem to be a relation of
Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz. The historical back ground of the community is legally well established fact.
Hazrat Khwaja Syed Fakhruddin Gurdezi, born at Gurdezi, remained the Chief attendant during the life time of
Khwaja Sahib R.A.. The Khadems, & Syed zadgan community, had the honor to control, & serve & maintain the shrine inside the Astana Sharif of the holy Sufi Saint of Hazrat Khwaja Garib Nawaz. The fact is known from the privileges, customs and tradition that prevail in the Rowan sharif, Apart from this, all the Chishty Generotions (performance) are based on traditions commemorated and introduced through the Khwaja's Baba’s community, (Khadems) on the whole, and the Head of Syed zadgan enjoyed the life time service under Khwaja Garib-E-Nawaz All the Syed zadgan are the successors and survivors of Hazrat Khwaja Syed Fakhruddin Gardezi Chishty R. A. (Amin).
The Astana Sharif of Kwaja Garib Nawaz (Burial Place) always remained under the custody & care of the Hazrat Khwaja Syed Fakhruddin Gurdezi who was a Khadeem of Khwaja Garib Nawaz . from the very beginning which proves that they are the custodians of the Shrine in the true sense of the word. All the religious ceremonies performed by them at the Shrine.
The Mazar at of Hazrat Fakhruddin Gurdezi (R.A.) and his wife are located inside the Tosha Khana, adjacent to Begami Dalaan. Its door opens inside the Roza Mubarak. He was a close relative, Peer Bhai and Mureed of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.). The members of his generations are called Khadem Syed Zadgan, who have a right to perform rituals and to extend services inside the Gumbad Sharif. All the belongings of Gumbad Sharif and the holy Mazar are under their custody. They perform rituals like laying flowers, presenting of Sandal Sharif, helping the pilgrims to offer Salaams, removal and replacing of covers and clock-wreaths etc. The Urs of Khwaja Syed Fakhruddin Gurdezi (R.A.) is celebrated on 25th and 26th of Rajab.